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We understand the skepticism. That is why we want you to click here and hear what others say. 

Our Mission 

To Build Lasting Purpose on a foundation of Health and Community

Our Vision

Bringing hope to the hopeless

Thank you for considering us.

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Dr. Chris Perry owned and operated a distinguished practice in Atlanta, GA that was founded on the natural laws of health and healing and he has dedicated his life to revolutionizing our current healthcare crisis.  His practice is rooted in the Four Pillar movement, which is focused on redefining the wellness industry.  

Dr. Perry feels he has been called to assist in restoring hope to the hopeless through his cutting edge Pillars to being healthy.  His journey began at Life University where he received his Doctorate degree.  After graduation, he relocated to Orlando, FL to train with some of the top doctors in the world.  He moved to the North Atlanta area to fulfill his dreams of helping the sick get well by applying natural solutions to healing, a solution that gets to the cause of the illness instead of merely relieving ones symptoms.  He has always wanted to move to his home town in Kentucky to serve the community that he grew up in. In 2020 he and his family moved to Whitesville, Ky so that he can start a practice in Ohio County, Ky. 

The purpose of Dr. Perry’s practice is to provide cutting edge healthcare while taking you and your needs into consideration.  In practice he wants to not only get people healthy but also help you reach the full God-given potential you deserve so that you can live a fulfilled life on purpose.

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705 S Main St. 

Hartford, KY 42374


Monday - Thursday 

8:00 - 12:00 AM

2:00 - 5:30 PM

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